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Writer's picture: The African Village GirlThe African Village Girl

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

What: Swearing In Ceremony of County Governor Kiambu and his Deputy Governor

Where: Kirigiti International Stadium

When:25th Thursday 2022

Yester was pomp and color as 47 county governors assumed office in the swearing (but not affirmed) ceremony by the EACC for the first time since an integrity code per The Assumption of Office of Governor Act, 2019 and inauguration ceremony.

It's was a sight to behold as the controversy over these high-budget ceremony! We saw more women take office than ever before -a sign the 2/3s gender rule is in progress, only time will tell.

In Kiambu where I come from celebrations where held at newly revamped state -of-the-art iconic stadium that has held sports events and political rallies alike since the colonial era-Kirigiti International Stadium only away facilities away from being FIFA approved. I'm in awe of the facility still very fresh and raw amenities. I winced-a lot when people littered on the neat lush terrace.

This bitter-chilly Thursday morning air held a tone of positive anxiety-triumph even. As I sat there near end of the tent, north east of the dais, I darted my eyes like the rest of them and occasionally nodded or smiled randomly. I was just in time when the assistant MC took over trying to save the dais hijacked by excesses. The church didn't have a seats, oops!

10:41 the unofficial MC takes over

Music entertainment to ease the crowd and soberness of the singing the unfamiliar the national anthem, East African anthem and there is a Kiambu County anthem too!

Kiambu kaunti ni yetu

Eh Mungu uilinde,

Niishi kwa amani

upendo uzalendo,

Tuitunze kwa pamoja, tuijenge


Viongozi wetu nao

Wape nguvu kila siku

Kwa hekima kuongoza,

na ujuzi wa shamana

Vijana kwa wazee, tuijenge


Tuamke sote ndugu

Tujenge uchumi wetu

Wivu, chuki,fitina,

na uzembe tumalize

Haki, iwe mwangaza, tuijenge


Watu wamelipwa I mean the rowdy crowd strategically in the middle from stand G-C high enough to see what's going on and central enough to steal the attention with vuvuzelas and heckles and harmonious jeers from time to time.

11:43 Chief Magistrate Hon Emily Ominde takes over officiated by Hon Lady Justice Sheila of high court to swear in the Governor elect Paul Kimani Wamatangi (EGH)

11:55 Deputy Governor H.E Rosemary Kihika was sworn in but not affirmed.

I was privileged enough to participate and be present in this History-making event in Kenyan Political scene, as a citizen and part of the residents in Kiambu.

Twenty past 12 the first order of business was over and we moved on to the next agenda-political speeches.

The rest follow up with KOT and receivers of 510!



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